This is the first of a three post series on the failure of external accreditation mechanisms to make the US Health Care Industry safer. The first post will serve as background and discuss the current state of Clinical Safety, while the next two will discuss All...
Why Don’t Facility Safety and Security Count in Hospital Rankings?
There is a difference between clinical safety and physical safety and this difference is neither understood nor acknowledged by the trade publications that create lists – and run advertisements of- the “Best†hospitals. The lack of Clinical Safety and the...
VA Healthcare – Elephant in the Room – Enter the Enablers
As the VA scandal unfolds and we watch the talking heads go back and forth on how to minimize waiting times and improve continuity of care, the Congress is acting like this is all a big surprise. Watching the CSPAN hearings today and seeing what testimony was...
An Open Letter to Veteran Services Organizations about VA Healthcare
Veterans Administration Secretary General Shinseki resigned his position Friday after a meeting with the President, according to this Washington Post report, falling on his sword to eliminate distractions as the VA scrambles to fix widespread failures to provide...
Why CMS-3178-P is Filling an Important Gap in Readiness, Pt. 2
Editor’s Note: As we see the CMS-3178-P Rule find its’ way into the Federal Register, we pulled out a few posts from 2009 that pointed to the need for tighter regulations, especially given the failures in preparation in Joplin and...
Why It is Important to Support the New CMS-3178-P Rule
The Life You Save Could be Your Own, or that of Your Loved Ones This is a summary points made in our 2010 book "UNREADY: TO ERR IS HUMAN: The other Neglected Side of Hospital Safety and Security". Existing national efforts to protect patients from unnecessary...
Hospital Rankings Part Three…
This is the third in a series of posts concerning hospital rankings and comments on how we feel they could be more beneficial to patients while simultaneously reflecting a better view of reality. First, Do No Harm Without being overly nostalgic, we remember a time...
US Hospital Ranking Wars: The Beat Goes On…
As mentioned in an earlier post, we will delve a little more deeply into the topic of Hospital Rankings and what purpose they serve, how they are created and whether they can be trusted. We start with an introduction produced by the Healthcare Association of New York...
CMS Data Shows Huge Variability in Pricing by DRG
These interactive chart were created using the end of 2Q 2013 CMS Database.  The show the volume of procedures by category (DRG) and  State down to the hospital level. Moving through the tabs left to right, drill down on data by selecting state...
For Medication: Make it or Fake it is not Good Enough
This post is partially in response to an April editorial in JAMA, which begins with: “When Hippocrates advised physicians to never give a deadly drug, he assumed they would know for sure that the medicines they prescribed were safe. Today, criminals...
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