Welcome to the Center for Healthcare Emergency Readiness (CHCER.org) Website

Hospital Physical Safety and Security
We discontinued offering consulting and professional services a few years ago but we have reloaded the site as an information hub for previous and future posts on the subject of Safety and Security within Public and Private Healthcare sectors. While there are many groups concerned with the clinical safety aspects of patient care and reducing medical errors, our focus has been on physical Safety and Security and maintaining a safe environment of care, which is becoming increasingly challenging in the face of more frequent and severe natural disasters and a more chaotic and unstable geopolitical world.
Hospital Gun Violence Continues
Today, two interesting events coincided: the release of IAHSS Gun Screening Standards and the killing…
Common Myths and Realities Regarding Hospital Safety
We originally published this “Myths and Realities” piece as a letter to ACHE in 2007…
The Continued Dirty Bomb Threat
We are updating this post, originally published in 2009, to underscore the need
2023 Update: The Myth that Hospitals are Safe Places, II
This post was originally published in 2014 and given the outrageous bombing of the Gaza…
Can Sanctuary cities keep our children safe? An Update
Originally posted to LinkedIn in April, this update reflects the large increase in Tuberculosis we…
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