Ferguson Lessons: Five Questions for Every Hospital Board Member, CXO and Emergency Manager

Ferguson Lessons: Five Questions for Every Hospital Board Member, CXO and Emergency Manager

In the Ferguson, Missouri case of an unarmed black teenager killed by a white police officer, we have seen how quickly tensions can boil over; escalating from a small group of protesters to a full blown riot in the space of a few hours, and even minutes. Politics...

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Ready for Forensic Mass Casualties?

Ready for Forensic Mass Casualties?

  May 1, 2014 The explosion at the Pensacola, Florida jail and subsequent evacuation of 600 prisoners raises some important questions for Hospital Emergency Management, among them: Do we have surge capacity for mass casualties? Do we have a plan to treat forensic...

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CMS-3178-P Proposed Rule Official Comments

CMS-3178-P Proposed Rule Official Comments

As All Hazards Readiness consultants we have been following the Proposed Rule CMS-3178-P with interest since it was slipped into the Federal Register during the holiday season (December 27, 2013). Being  a third party that is largely in the middle of the...

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Why CMS-3178-P is Filling an Important Gap in Readiness, Pt. 2

Why CMS-3178-P is Filling an Important Gap in Readiness, Pt. 2

Editor’s Note: As we see the CMS-3178-P Rule find its’ way into the Federal Register, we pulled out a few posts from 2009 that pointed to the need for tighter regulations, especially given the failures in preparation in Joplin and...

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CMS-3178-P Proposed Rule Official Comments

CMS-3178-P – Don’t Count Your Chickens

As of today, only the Federal Healthcare Sector, about 10% of healthcare capacity in the US, is mandated to prepare for All-Hazards events, while the remaining 90% private sector has been expected to prepare voluntarily to meet their roles and responsibilities....

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Why It is Important to Support the New CMS-3178-P Rule

Why It is Important to Support the New CMS-3178-P Rule

  The Life You Save Could be Your Own, or that of Your Loved Ones This is a summary points made in our 2010 book "UNREADY: TO ERR IS HUMAN: The other Neglected Side of Hospital Safety and Security". Existing national efforts to protect patients from unnecessary...

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