This is the second in a series on the potential for drones or Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs) to have a major negative impact on the privacy and security of all citizens in the country. There is little evidence that the private or corporate use of Drones by in the U.S....

New Technology and Old Chemical and Biological Threats
We have a long history of writing and consulting on CBRNE and post-Katrina All Hazards threats in the healthcare environment. We are increasingly concerned about some of the new opportunities that open up as a result of emerging technology. When coupled with...

The Terrorist Attack Which Brought Russia to its Knees
We have written for years about how vulnerable hospitals are as "soft targets" for Terrorists, and it remains true despite the fact that we in the US have yet to suffer from a coordinated assault on a healthcare facility. We have seen multiple attacks over time in...

NEW BOSTON MASSACRE Part Three: Emergency Management at its Best
The perfect setting, perfect timing, perfect sizing, and perfect response. The City of Boston is and should be proud of its outstanding response to the dreaded “terrorist bombâ€. Nothing said here should take away any of the...

New Boston Massacre Takes a Chechen Twist
Over the last two decades, we have analyzed terrorist groups and the potential for likely future attacks-and target strategy based on the tactics which seemed to achieve the desired outcome. Chechen Separatists tactics “ran the table†on...

The New Boston Massacre – Reflections of the Media Coverage
Day one: We witnessed a cacophony of information and misinformation based on verified, unverified fact and fiction. Sins of omission and commission drove many to see or hear what they wanted to see or hear. When you tell me that there is “black...

A Lucid Article on Terrorist Threats
In this well written blog post, Louis DeAnda described the emerging threats of terrorism, insurgency and organized crime and how they are blending to present a new threat profile that the country should be preparing to address. We like the overall holistic view and...

GAO-12-925 – Unsecured Nuclear Materials Put All at Risk
It is almost surreal how the world has become a place with so little accountability and so much apathy among those who have a moral responsibility to care for a trusting public. Welcome to Superman’s Bizarro World of the 21st century. This summer I...

Little Progress Protecting Against Dirty Bomb
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a new report on subject materials, GAO-12-512T. This report address a long standing issue of the hazards associated with safety and security of very dangerous radiological materials use in hospitals and research...

Comments Docket ID FEMA-2008-0017, 14 Jan 2010
Comments Docket ID FEMA-2008-0017, 14 Jan 2010 PRIVATE SECTOR PREPAREDNESS PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTHCARE SECTOR  The development of standards within a new Voluntary Private Sector Preparedness Program for the Healthcare Industry should not be...
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