In another example the lack of awareness and attention paid to All Hazards threats in the Healthcare industry, the 2015 Environmental Scan published by the American Hospital Association (AHA), in Hospitals and Health Networks Magazine, and Trustees Magazine, targeted...
What is ACHE Doing?
We found it incredible that the latest issue (November/December 2014) of Healthcare Executive Magazine, the flagship publication of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), had no mention of Ebola in the articles it ran. The...
Collective Failure of Healthcare Oversight
As we look at the obvious lack of preparedness for this recent outbreak of Ebola and subsequent spread to healthcare workers in the US, we looked back at our coverage on this issue from April this year, and July, and the inevitable spread to the US and...
Why Don’t Facility Safety and Security Count in Hospital Rankings?
There is a difference between clinical safety and physical safety and this difference is neither understood nor acknowledged by the trade publications that create lists – and run advertisements of- the “Best†hospitals. The lack of Clinical Safety and the...
VA Healthcare – Elephant in the Room – Enter the Enablers
As the VA scandal unfolds and we watch the talking heads go back and forth on how to minimize waiting times and improve continuity of care, the Congress is acting like this is all a big surprise. Watching the CSPAN hearings today and seeing what testimony was...
An Open Letter to Veteran Services Organizations about VA Healthcare
Veterans Administration Secretary General Shinseki resigned his position Friday after a meeting with the President, according to this Washington Post report, falling on his sword to eliminate distractions as the VA scrambles to fix widespread failures to provide...
CMS-3178-P Proposed Rule Official Comments
As All Hazards Readiness consultants we have been following the Proposed Rule CMS-3178-P with interest since it was slipped into the Federal Register during the holiday season (December 27, 2013). Being  a third party that is largely in the middle of the...
Revisiting the Drug Shortage Two Years On
We originally published this article in Journal of Healthcare Protection Management, volume 28, #1, in early 2012. Many of the same issues exist today and some have become worse, as noted at the end of the article. Drugs, drugs – who has the drugs? Dr. James...
Hospital Emergency Readiness – No Public Water
Is your local hospital ready to supply water for continued operations in a disaster that makes the Public Water Supply unavailable? This may seem a little far-fetched, but for the second time in a month, coal processors have dumped large quantities of toxic waste into...
Why CMS-3178-P is Filling an Important Gap in Readiness, Pt. 2
Editor’s Note: As we see the CMS-3178-P Rule find its’ way into the Federal Register, we pulled out a few posts from 2009 that pointed to the need for tighter regulations, especially given the failures in preparation in Joplin and...
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