There is a difference between clinical safety and physical safety and this difference is neither understood nor acknowledged by the trade publications that create lists – and run advertisements of- the “Best†hospitals. The lack of Clinical Safety and the...
How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, 2014 Update: How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally Executive Summary from Mirror, Mirror “The United States health care system is the most expensive in the world, but this report and prior editions...
VA Healthcare – Elephant in the Room – Enter the Enablers
As the VA scandal unfolds and we watch the talking heads go back and forth on how to minimize waiting times and improve continuity of care, the Congress is acting like this is all a big surprise. Watching the CSPAN hearings today and seeing what testimony was...
An Open Letter to Veteran Services Organizations about VA Healthcare
Veterans Administration Secretary General Shinseki resigned his position Friday after a meeting with the President, according to this Washington Post report, falling on his sword to eliminate distractions as the VA scrambles to fix widespread failures to provide...
Taps for Direct Healthcare for Military Retirees: The Slippery Slope
Our latest post discusses the closure of military healthcare facilities and the impact on veterans. Excerpt:Over the next few years you will see the number of military healthcare facilities cut in half. If past is prologue, the military healthcare system will be...
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