Why CMS-3178-P is Filling an Important Gap in Readiness, Pt. 2

Why CMS-3178-P is Filling an Important Gap in Readiness, Pt. 2

Editor’s Note: As we see the CMS-3178-P Rule find its’ way into the Federal Register, we pulled out a few posts from 2009 that pointed to the need for tighter regulations, especially given the failures in preparation in Joplin and...
CMS-3178-P – Don’t Count Your Chickens

CMS-3178-P – Don’t Count Your Chickens

As of today, only the Federal Healthcare Sector, about 10% of healthcare capacity in the US, is mandated to prepare for All-Hazards events, while the remaining 90% private sector has been expected to prepare voluntarily to meet their roles and responsibilities....
Why It is Important to Support the New CMS-3178-P Rule

Why It is Important to Support the New CMS-3178-P Rule

  The Life You Save Could be Your Own, or that of Your Loved Ones This is a summary points made in our 2010 book “UNREADY: TO ERR IS HUMAN: The other Neglected Side of Hospital Safety and Security”. Existing national efforts to protect patients from...