We originally published this “Myths and Realities” piece as a letter to ACHE in 2007 and then as a blog post in 2014. Many of our clients would rationalize their lack of preparedness for Terrorist Attacks by claiming their location, geographical circumstances, or...
The Continued Dirty Bomb Threat
We are updating this post, originally published in 2009, to underscore the need to replace Cesium irradiation devices to prevent easy access to material to make a Dirty Bomb, described by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as: "A "dirty bomb" is one type of a...
2023 Update: The Myth that Hospitals are Safe Places, II
This post was originally published in 2014 and given the outrageous bombing of the Gaza Hospital yesterday that reportedly killed over 500 people, we feel it is relevant to post thoughts on previous International terrorist attacks on hospitals with links to extremist...
Safer after Fifteen Years?
Steven Brill’s article in the September Atlantic Monthly “IS AMERICA ANY SAFER? Part V sent me back to my filing cabinet. Coverage of the Dirty Bomb took me back twenty-eight years to President Reagan’s 1988...
Settling Gitmo Detainees in the U.S., Still Unsettling
The prospect of a movement of Gitmo prisoners to alternate locations in the U. S. has again raised its ugly head, as seen in this article. This action whether based on political or economic interests is one which must be carefully considered. Some years ago I wrote...
Still Unprepared for Chemical & Biological Events
An article in the latest issue of Homeland Security Today discusses Federal preparedness for a large scale Chemical or Biological event. According to the conclusion of experts: If America were to be beset by a biological or chemical weapons attack, who would be...
What is the AHA Doing about All Hazards?
In another example the lack of awareness and attention paid to All Hazards threats in the Healthcare industry, the 2015 Environmental Scan published by the American Hospital Association (AHA), in Hospitals and Health Networks Magazine, and Trustees Magazine, targeted...
US Steps into Leadership Role on Containing Ebola
The United States will take the lead in the international response to the West African Ebola Epidemic with a large-scale operation led by the military to provide logistical, construction, materiel, command and control and operational coordinating functions....
Ignore the Ebola Pandemic at Your Own Risk
We have written several posts about the 2014 outbreak and have been alarmed at the lack of response by the International community to rally and intercept this growing threat. The current outbreak of Ebola in West Africa is growing at an exponential rate, i.e.,...
Ferguson Lessons: Five Questions for Every Hospital Board Member, CXO and Emergency Manager
In the Ferguson, Missouri case of an unarmed black teenager killed by a white police officer, we have seen how quickly tensions can boil over; escalating from a small group of protesters to a full blown riot in the space of a few hours, and even minutes. Politics...
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