As All Hazards Readiness consultants we have been following the Proposed Rule CMS-3178-P with interest since it was slipped into the Federal Register during the holiday season (December 27, 2013). Being  a third party that is largely in the middle of the...
Revisiting the Drug Shortage Two Years On
We originally published this article in Journal of Healthcare Protection Management, volume 28, #1, in early 2012. Many of the same issues exist today and some have become worse, as noted at the end of the article. Drugs, drugs – who has the drugs? Dr. James...
Why It is Important to Support the New CMS-3178-P Rule
The Life You Save Could be Your Own, or that of Your Loved Ones This is a summary points made in our 2010 book "UNREADY: TO ERR IS HUMAN: The other Neglected Side of Hospital Safety and Security". Existing national efforts to protect patients from unnecessary...
Last call: The Healthcare Supply Chain Vulnerability
by Jim Rush, contributing Editor Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of articles we will feature from our good friend, Jim Rush. It was originally published in Big Medicine, a Healthcare Logistics Website. Jim has deep expertise in Healthcare supply chains...
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