“So It Will Never Happen Again”|| what happens when a healthcare system fails to prepare and respond?

by | Oct 28, 2009 | Hurricane, Posts - Natural Hazards

A man in uniform is smiling for the camera.In our latest Examiner post, we bring to the attention of our readers a new doctoral dissertation which describes in detail the horrible position that nurses were foced to endure before, during and after hurricane Katrina.


“A small group of courageous caregivers invested in re-living their nightmarish experiences with the hope that the lessons learned would protect nurses from future hazards in their workplaces. We look at the H1N1 pandemic and see little evidence in behavior change on the part of the healthcare industry to protect their nurse populations. We have written on this lack of safety in the workplace in previous articles.

Look for this real life account of what happens when a healthcare system fails to prepare and respond to expected levels of performance.â€

Click to see the full article.


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