In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a brave group of nurses lived through a nightmare scenario that is almost unbelievable – No food, water, electricity, advanced medical equipment, plumbing, back up generators flooded. Â Makeshift morgues without air conditiong for alost two weeks, Gangs roaming in the hospitals trying to get into the Pharmacies, patients and their families stressed to the breaking point over increasingly scarce resources, gunshots coming into the hospital, sharks swimming in the parking lots and giant nutria rats trying to get to high ground wherever they could. This true life account of survival during a total lack of security is a testament to what can happen the the fabric of society unravels and people are forced to completely fend for themselves.
Deadly Neglect: Apathy
& Denial vs. Act of God
Get your copy today in paperback of Kindle versions at
UNREADY- TO ERR IS HUMAN: The Other Neglected Side of Hospital Safety and Security is Dr. Blair’s first book, a critical review of readiness in the Public and Private partnership that most Americans believe is prepared to react to All Hazards events such as the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters, the likelihood of a pandemic due to bio-error or bio-terror, and the increasingly frequent linking to hospitals as “soft targets” for international terrorism. This comprehensive investigation uncovers some shocking vulnerabilities  and lays the foundation for the kind of nightmare scenario that is recounted in Dr. Blair’s second book: Deadly Neglect, which tells the story of nurses trapped in deplorable and life-threatening circumstances in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Neglected Side of Hospital Safety and Security
Get your copy today in paperback of Kindle versions at