“What are the reasons, good or bad, that cancer means a half-million- or million-dollar tab? Why should a trip to the emergency room for chest pains that turn out to be indigestion bring a bill that can exceed the cost of a semester of college? What...

Open letter To the American College of Healthcare Executives
The last decade has placed and the next decade will continue to place Hospital and Healthcare stakeholders at great risk. An increasingly hostile environment posed by the triple threats of Evolving Infectious Diseases, More Frequent and Robust Natural...

An Old Soldier Looks at the Fort Hood Terrorist Attack – could this happen again within the AMEDD?
All, this is a re-hash of an article I posed 3 years ago. The question is could this happen again within the AMEDD?  The old maxim “where you stand on issues is largely a function of where you sit†is borne out in spades as...

An Open Letter to the NFPA – Stick to Your Knitting
The National Fire Protection Association is an old and venerated partner with deep roots in the protection of members and society at large on the issue of Fire Protection. Over time, however, the NFPA began offering guidance on Healthcare Facility Emergency...
Nagin’s Indictment and Unanswered Questions
This DefenseMedia article on Ray Nagin’s indictment brings several things to light but fails to address some of the key issues that were covered in our book: “Deadly Neglect: Apathy & Denial vs. Act of Godâ€,...

GAO-12-925 – Unsecured Nuclear Materials Put All at Risk
It is almost surreal how the world has become a place with so little accountability and so much apathy among those who have a moral responsibility to care for a trusting public. Welcome to Superman’s Bizarro World of the 21st century. This summer I...

Nursing Homes Get Another Pass – How Many Have to Die?
In a scathing Department of Health and Human Services report that comes on the heels of the GAO report in our last post, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) found that while self reporting of emergency preparedness by Long Term Care (LTC) facilities showed a 92%...

Lack of Government Oversight, Fraud Impede Healthcare Emergency Readiness
Admittedly the Program on Government Oversight (POGO) goes after fraud some bad behavior in the Federal Government and their many contractors. Cheating on government contract bidding and even clever manipulation of the process has been with us for years. Periodically...
Homeland Security Weakness: Public Heath and Healthcare Sector
This is the first in a series of articles published in Family Security Matters, a blog dedicated to engaging families in our Nation’s Security. The article includes information based on the author’s recent book: “Unready: TO ERR IS HUMAN, The Other Neglected...
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